
Synaptics_ A tech company that has been on the human interface frontier, working with leading device designers and manufacturers around the world to re-imagine and optimize their interfaces, according to the company. This company works to enrich interaction between people and intelligent devices. It works with other big companies such as “Windows” to help them attract and amaze their customers.

Note: A smart device (any name) never been built, developed, created, engineered, made, by just one (the introduced) company. It comes from a combination of several other companies that build different parts and when they joined together, it made a whole device. For example a window computer.

On August 10th, 2012 Synaptics has introduced its first pressure-sensitive trackpad for mobile devices (Laptops). The trackpad on your laptop monitors all five of your fingers, as well as how hard they’re pressing on the pad. A set of commands based on how you move your fingers lets you move through the operating system; those commands could give you more control over your experience. (Colin Lecher, PopSci)

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